Monday, May 15, 2017

Garden Watch - Workshop Demo 2

Garden Watch, 8 x 6, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2017

This is the second of the demo ideas I worked up for my recent workshop. (To see block-ins of all four ideas, click HERE.) I love this little angle on the garden and the sculpture adds an instant focal point! Below are several process shots so you can see how the painting developed. 

Blocking in with Ultramarine and Burnt Sienna.
 I tried not to worry about the details on the sculpture at this point... just the shape of a figure on a block. Keeping it simple at the start actually helps me avoid over painting it. 

Building the darks in the upright plane.
Depicting the statue was accomplished by painting both the shape itself AND its negative shape. In other words, I started with a general form and then carved into it with the surrounding background color. I go back and forth between the two (negative and positive) to help me hold the form.

Again, the finished piece. 
I wish I had taken more pictures showing how the sculpture element evolved. I just got going and forgot. :(


Mike Barr said...

Carving is good! A really nice feel to this Laurel.

Sharon L. Graves said...

Well that's incredible. Love the process and the finished product. It's easy to forget to take the pics.

Laurel Daniel said...

Thank you, Mike and Sharon!!!

Barbara Muir said...

Love this. I love seeing how you get your marvellous work completed.
